19 Apr 2014
By Belle

A guide to naps
For a long time I was vehemently against napping. Before I mastered the nap, I was prone to self-induced sleep inertia—that groggy feeling after you wake up that can last …
For a long time I was vehemently against napping. Before I mastered the nap, I was prone to self-induced sleep inertia—that groggy feeling after you wake up that can last …
I've been sharing some of the insights from my own Exist account with people on our mailing list and new users recently. I've found this is a good way to …
In last week's links roundup I mentioned James Robinson's research into bunkum Indiegogo campaigns for Quantified Self devices that aren't scientifically plausible. He started …
Exist news: This week we closed our backers campaign (thank you to everyone who supported us! You guys are the best.) and sent our invites to our backers to …
An admirable attempt to fight both extremes of the world's food problems: obesity and hunger. After signing up and connecting your fitness tracker (currently supports Jawbone UP …