LOCK8 was previously a successful Kickstarter campaign and the winner of TechCrunch Disrupt Europe. The smart bicycle lock can be unlocked with your phone, integrates GPS/GSM to transmit …
If you don't have a dedicated fitness tracker strapped to your wrist or clipped to your hip, you've probably found that you can track most of the same stats with …

For the past couple of weeks I've been trying an experiment with my Mondays. Rather than making Monday morning my big post-weekend return to work as it is for a …
Robin promises "automation and insights for your office" by connecting to rooms in your building. The setup uses sensors to detect people and things in each room, helping you …
Supposedly, the $99 Vessyl cup can track what you're drinking, automatically. I've read a few write-ups of this on various tech blogs and it seems like the company …