11 Aug 2014
By Belle

Quantified Self weekly links: Is there anything we can't (or won't) track?
The Hug [Kickstarter, iOS]
The Hug is a band that goes around your drink bottle to track how much water you drink, automatically. Apparently motion sensors can work out how much you're drinking based on raising the bottle. No mention of putting it on a water glass, but if you drink from a sports bottle often and want to track your water intake, and use an iPhone, it might just be for you.
- HP's luxury smartwatch: reportedly coming soon
- Star.21 fitness band: based on the myth that it takes 21 days to form a habit [Pozible]
- MUJI to Sleep: neck cushion and audio app for sleeping anywhere
- Revolv: home automation hub
- iSwimband: wearable device to prevent kids from drowning
Manually track whatever stats you want, via email. Just put the name and number of your data into the email subject—super simple.
- RunGap: workout tracker [iOS]
- Timeful: intelligent time assistant [iOS]
- Pillow: mobile sleep tracking [iOS]
- VIS: data visualisation platform
News and articles
Anand Sharma created a personal analytics dashboard for all the data he tracks about himself.
- What is public?
- What is privacy? (a response to "What is public?")
- Running drawing
The quantified microbiome self
Eric Alm, a biologist at MIT, and a graduate student of his named Lawrence David decided to plumb this change by tracking a year in the life of their microbiomes. Each day, they saved some of their stool, and later, they extracted DNA from it to figure out which species of bacteria were living in their guts. David also spat some of his saliva into a tube each day so that he could compare how his microbiome changed in his gut compared to his mouth.
- The NFL gets quantified intelligence, courtesy of shoulder pad-mounted motion trackers
- Personal health data: 5 key lessons for better health
Image credits: Caktus, Statlogger, The Daily Beast
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