01 Sep 2014
By Belle

Keep track of your running, cats and family: Quantified Self weekly links
runScribe [Kickstarter]
With more than two weeks to go, runScribe has already tripled its Kickstarter goal. The tiny device clips onto your shoe and promises to analyse your running style and provide "the most advanced set of running metrics available outside of a professional lab environment".
- MobileOCT: using mobile phones to screen for cancer
- Wearables to protect your privacy
- Timex Ironman One GPS+: a smartwatch that doesn't need to connect to your phone
- Findster: GPS tracking system to keep tabs on your loved ones
- Pawtrack: a GPS tracking collar for cats
Couch to 5K [iOS]
This popular app helps you go from not running at all to running 5 kilometres in just 8 weeks. The app comes with a full training program including warm ups and cool downs—perfect for anyone who wants to start running but has no idea about how to get started.
- DataCamp: online courses teaching R and data science [Web]
- Remember Win: track your accomplishments [iOS]
- Balance: visualise your Moves data to see what your work/life balance is [iOS]
- WakaTime: automated time tracking for developers [Web, text editor plugins]
News and articles
How did the Napa earthquake affect sleep?
The Jawbone data team shared data from UP wearers during the recent earthquake in South Napa. The data shows that people closer to the earthquake were more likely to wake up at 3:20am when it hit, and took a long time to go back to sleep. In fact, the Jawbone team reported that "45% of UP wearers less than 15 miles from the epicenter stayed up the rest of the night."
- Which cities get the most sleep?
- My pushup plateau [video]
- New Nike running app tells you what you’re really running from [video]
- Nicholas Felton quantified literally every conversation he had in 2013
- Bored with your fitness tracker? Better devices are on the way
- Wearable device shipments have soared in the past year
Image credits: Scribe Labs, The Texas Peach, Jawbone
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